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  3. Strength

About us

Visions of A-Lab

A-Lab is a future oriented company, which offers new, practicable technologies and business opportunities, through continued forward thinking.
We value the sharpened ‘senses’ of our staff, above all else. It is their involvement, sensitivity, and insights that help make A-Lab’s outstanding techniques and exciting business choices, become reality.
At A-Lab, we strive to create a new unprecedented world, through the development, creation and distribution of humanoid robots ( known as androids) and their related technologies.
The possibility for future androids is limitless, as their role in our society continues to grow, larger and larger.
A-Lab is a company that strives to opens its doors to this new, unknown world.

Androids as communication tools
Androids have been used as various communication tools in the past.
Androids do not simply deliver information; they can communicate in ways that are relatable and persuasive to humans. They can also draw out honest feelings and connect to people’s inner voices.
Androids of historic figures and well-known personalities open up new ways to communicate across time and space.

Androids as partners for humans
Androids are not human substitutes; they are partners who co-exist and help.
They can work with humans in different ways, to solve some of the problems mankind faces. The Android role as avatar or alter ego is equally important. In a society where physical interaction is diminishing, androids are drawing attention in the hope they can be utilized to help make a more stress-free life.

Opening doors to the new world of androids
We can expand possibilities of androids by implementing new technologies.
While pushing further development of androids, A-Lab is constantly pursuing technological collaboration with external partners.
We are seeking for collaboration opportunities not limited to engineering and technologies, but also in areas that may seem irrelevant to robotics.

Let’s leap into a whole new world, with A-Lab’s androids

Collaborative research examples

A-Lab is seeking partners for development, manufacturing and the distribution of androids and other robotics, as well as, partners for collaborative research on a variety of technological developments. If you are interested, please use the contact form, to get in touch.

Cooperative research partner Osaka University
Laboratory Subject Research on evaluation of facial movements of android robots
Period 2019.9.1-2021.3.31